Event Review: The Role of Liberalism in Africa









On Monday, October 22, the Institute for African Studies (IAfS), in co-sponsorship with the Graduate School of Political Management (GSPM), hosted a lecture on the “Role of Liberalism in Africa”. The guest speakers included Honorable Stevens Mokagalapa, a member of the National Assembly of South Africa from the Democratic Alliance Party, and IAfS Acting Director and Visiting Scholar Ambassador Liberata Mulamula. Dr. Imani Cheers, Assistant Professor of Media and Public Affairs at GWU, moderated the event. Throughout the lecture, Dr. Cheers asked several thought-provoking questions, including how the term liberalism is defined in relation to African politics, as well as how to combat corrupt politicians and civil workers.

Both speakers emphasized the importance of the youth in uniting Africa, and concluded that corruption in African politics cannot deteriorate unless the African people actively call for change and accountability. They noted that the adoption of liberalism across Africa cannot be possible until African nations learn to work cohesively and can remove the mentality of “It’s my time to eat”. Despite conversations detailing the discombobulated nature of African politics and institutions, the lecture ended on a highly positive note as it encouraged youth attendees to enact change via various methods from the U.S. and in Africa itself.

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